Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Web 2.0 in Educational Practice

In the previous presentation, A Systems Framework Examination of the Impact of ICTs on Educational Practice, I suggested a few ideas for how to start thinking about integrating technology for your own professional development and teaching.

I also would like to share an opportunity to enroll in course that has just started - MoodleMOOC 2 on Wiz IQ. I highly recommend that you consider taking it as it promises to have something for new and experienced Moodle users as well as other topics of interest related to technology integration.

The goal in this session is to look at some Web 2.0 tools - the "offspring" of the ICT revolution - and to think about how they might be used to support your professional virtual presence (Personal Learning Environment), teaching, and students' learning. Posting this in my blog, for instance, will hopefully give you an idea of how you might develop your own for personal and/or classroom practice.

ENTRY SURVEY: before we get started please take this brief SURVEY so that I can adapt the session to your interests.

Some Key Themes:
-- Social Media Tools
-- User centred
-- Personalized Learning
-- Collaborative Learning

Here is a link to a Prezi I created to share some research I have been doing on Web 2.0 Integration in my own teaching: Exploring Web 2.0 in Educational Practice

There are many, many different Web 2.0 tools andno doubt you already have a few favourites of your own. Increasingly these tools are also being made into Apps so that they can be accessible across different devices to support mobile learning. In the Matrix link I have created a table and tried to include free tools - though some do have additional features at a cost - along with some examples.

I can't overemphasize how important Graphic and visual organizers are for good course design and supporting learning. For this reason I created a visual organizer for this session to demonstrate some possibilities for using this tool.

I chose Mind4U because you can add visuals, links, and apparently embed it in a webpage. I found it fairly intuitive to use, and though initially I had trouble with the embed code, it now appears to be working below. It still doesn't read here in the narrow width of this blog page, and you will need to use the zoom slider. It is probably best to use this link to go directly to the actual  interactive map version

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