Thursday, September 12, 2013

Education in the Age of Mobilism

10/25/12 Lightening Webinar, ISTE’s SIGML
Education in the Age of Mobilism: Biggest Change to K-12-Ever
Eliot Soloway, U Michigan Cathleen Morris U N. Texas

The essence of this webinar is that the shift to mobile is here, but SW + mobile devices need to reflect 21st century learning – i.e. 4 C’s – Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity – and not to reinforce outdated pedagogies.

Some Highlights:
Post PC era = Age of Mobilism
1.5 billion smartphones connected to the internet – mobile fastest uptake ever
Smartphones vs PCs vs Feature Phones: FLURRY survey on Smartphone use:
- 2010 = Browsing @ 94mins/ Apps @ 43min
- 2011 = Browsing @ 72mins/ Apps @ 94mins
Feature or non-smart phones will disappear in 3-5 years [Horace Dedui, analyst]
PC shipments decline 1% in 2012 first time in a decade
School shipments of PCs down 13.9% even as & 1million iPads sold to schools
Negroponte’s $100 tablet is here now [one e.g. Google to drop 7” tablet to $100 when 10” is released]
- Smartphones = device of choice
Project Glass: $1500 wearable computer [glasses] à predict $150 in 2 years = BIG change
Why Software is Eating the World, Mar Andreessen [Mosaic browser creator] e.g. iTunes [SW + mobile device] Netflix

How will S/W + Mobile Devices Change Education?
Using old practices: carpe diem
– I:I learning at cubicles
– Though grades are going up, students are not learning critical skills just content
Learning By Doing
“…give pupils something to do not something to learn and doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking…learning natural results” Dewey

Artisan teachers make learning by doing look easy – use 21st century skills for solving real problems

Shallow vs DEEP Scaling
Shallow = old practices or get device/iPads but then what?
Deep Scaling = Bring learn by doing/inquiry learning – collaborative, critical…i.e. Education is not technology driven

CHOKE POINT = access to internet [still prohibitively expensive for schools to afford and connectivity for learning anytime/anywhere not widely accessible]

- In 2010 predicted within 5 yrs students using mobile device 24/7
- By 2015 every kid will have a mobile device [Deep, Shallow, Carpediem, or Singapore ICT plan?]
- Change WILL happen -> not easy, not cheap, not fast

Welearn mobile platform – created by Eliot Soloway’s group

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