As I work with colleagues on developing an Online PhD program, and think to my ongoing research and writing, I thought it would be interesting to compare and contrast findings across Project Tomorrow, the ECAR Annual Survey, PEW Internet Data and Device Acquisition Trends in 2013.

I have taken
the JOURNAL's 10 Technology trends from
Project Tomorrow 2013 -representing 400,000 surveys from 9,000 schools and 2,700 districts nationally with [students, teachers, parents, administrators and this year community members] - and put them alongside infographic visuals from the
The Annual ECAR Student and IT Study - a collaboration with 251 institutions with 112,000 undergraduate student responses about their technology experiences around their 4 themes of 1. Mobile Device Ownership and Use; 2. Technology Value and Use; 3. Connectivity and Engagement; 4. Learning Environments